
This Website

Generator and Backend

I use a static content generator called Hakyll, it is written in Haskell. I mostly wanted to try this language, but some features where particularly appealing to me:

The future

I plan to move away from this Haskell generator, it has some advantages but I’m not happy with the ecosystem and its chain of dependecies. I envision to keep pandoc for the moment, as it is disponible on most distrubutions, but to replace hakyll by a lighter solution written in C (maybe this one: https://git.codemadness.org/saait/file/README.html).


I was able to add tags to Hakyll thanks to Javran’s tutorial.

Where are the Sources ?

I’m an advocate of FOSS, but I use separate branches to write posts, some of them may never be merged into the master, and I don’t want to make public the drafts.

From what I understand, there is no simple way to keep private a branch on a public repo:


I don’t use any, nor do I collect any of your data.

“Your CV theme looks like LaTeX ModernCV

It’s the goal, but it’s pure HTML/CSS. That way it can be responsive, unlike a LaTeX to HTML conversion, and the source is written in Markdown.

It draws its inspiration from these two websites (a big thanks to them):

I adapted the CSS to be responsive, here is the current version.