TC Electronic flashback and Linux

Posted on February 9, 2021
Tags: Music

This is a quite specific post, aimed mostly at guitarists who use both the Flashback delay and Linux (so yes, this is surely not everyone, but I hope it may prevent some people to do the same error as me).

TLDR: don’t do it over WINE, it may crash your pedal.

Few years ago I bought a Flashback delay from TC Electronic, it has always worked flawlessly, but I never used the toneprint feature (I’m not interested in features that require a smartphone).

Then yesterday I decided to try it, and it didn’t worked. I looked around on forums and tried every possible combination, switched guitars, tried different pickups, etc… Didn’t work.

Then apparently one has to update the firmware first, it’s a bug some people had. So I downloaded the Windows firmware updater on their website (no Linux version, sadly this is the default in the audio world), and launched it inside Wine.

It worked, or at least that’s what I thought: after the pedal was flashed with the new firmware, it simply went dead. Not just the toneprint feature but everything… I tried flashing it again and again but nothing changed.

The good news is, there is a solution (also some may not like it), re-flash it from a Windows OS. After that everything worked, and also the toneprint.

I hope they will release Linux versions in the future (or even open source them), because they make good products, but I’m not going to buy them as I don’t like to borrow someone else computer just to update a firmware.