Tools I use

Posted on June 24, 2021
Tags: IT

This is not an exhaustive list, I’m not going to go trough coreutils, but I’m referencing this as it can probably be useful to someone (there are a lot of programs in that list that would have saved me dozen of hours if I knew them earlier).

Also, this is not something definitive, I’ll update it over time.

Purpose Tools
Window manager Xmonad
Notifications daemon Dunst
Text editor GNU Emacs
File sync Syncthing
Firewall UFW, Custom hostsfile
Terminal emulator kitty
Terminal multiplexer tmux
Password Manager KeePassXC
File listing exa
Process monitoring htop, bottom
Syntax helper tldr
Shell fish
Program launcher rofi
Image viewer feh
Status bar Polybar
VPN Wireguard
Screen locker i3lock
Screen temperature Redshift
Screenshot Flameshot, scrot
File manager nnn, Nemo, Emacs Dired
Calculator Qalculate, Octave
grep ripgrep
Project cleaner Kondo
Backups Borg
Disk space viewer Diskonaut
Duplicates cleaner Czkawka
Music CMUS
Web Server Nginx, Caddy
Note taking Emacs Org Mode
Dotfiles management Emacs Org Mode
Calendar Emacs Org Mode
Spaced repetitions Emacs Org Drill
Information organisation Emacs Org Roam
Bookmarks management Emacs Org Mode/Org Capture
System hardening/auditing Lynis, grapheneX, AppArmor, RkHunter
Automation Ansible
k8s context switcher kubectx
Website fuzzer ffuf
HTTP Debugger HTTPie, HTTP Prompt
Domain Enumeration Amass, Recon-ng